The benefits of biotin for your hair

posted 09.16.2020
If there were such a thing as a miracle ingredient for healthy hair, it would probably be something called biotin. We’d be lying if we said we didn’t all secretly wish for long, luscious locks, right?
Before we go on, we’ll start by saying that biotin, also known as vitamin H or B7, is an essential complex vitamin that helps our bodies convert food into energy! Depending on our diet, we may or may not experience a deficiency. Foods high in vitamin B7 are nuts, legumes, cauliflower, whole grains, mushrooms, and eggs.
We know what you’re thinking; it sounds like you need to have a super healthy diet to get beautiful hair, right? The short answer is yes, a diet rich in vitamins will certainly improve your overall hair health. But if we’re being real, we have to acknowledge that nobody can actually maintain a perfect diet. Don’t worry; biotin can also be infused into products like shampoos, conditioners, and masks to restore our hair back to health!
Are you noticing that your hair looks thinner every year? You’re not alone! As we age, our bodies are less effective in holding onto essential vitamins like iron and biotin. When our bodies are deficient in biotin, we’ll notice a significant amount of hair falling out, and we may even see balding spots on our scalp. A 2012 study shows data supporting biotin-infused products by proving its effectiveness in restoring significant hair loss and bald patches.
As a result of hair loss, you may also notice that your hair looks unusually thin. The root cause could be anything from stress, genetics, poor diet, or a vitamin deficiency. To combat thinning hair, taking B7 supplements is usually the go-to recommendation by our friends, family, and even doctors. And rightfully so since biotin is a key vitamin that stimulates hair growth.
However, changes in your hair may not show up until several months after consistently taking your biotin supplements. Switching to quality hair products rich in B7 works quicker by targeting every strand of hair and directly infusing the vitamin into the hair follicle.
Beyond just working as a thickening miracle, biotin will also restore your hair’s hydration levels leaving you with a shiny, silky appearance. How does it do this? Once the vitamin reaches the hair follicle, it smoothes out the cuticle. In other words, biotin acts as the moisturizer for our hair! If you’re used to dry or coarse hair, it’s likely not your hair’s natural state; it might just be a lack of biotin.
Now, for the one you’ve all been waiting for, can biotin actually make your hair grow longer? The answer is yes!
A common reason that hair will stop growing is due to breakage. You’re probably familiar with hair breakage and dead ends if you’ve ever undergone any kind of hair process like highlights or a balayage. Just when you see a bit of growth, you’ll notice your ends breaking off, leaving you stuck at the same length for what seems like forever! Biotin can stimulate hair growth by strengthening the hair follicles, essentially extending the life of each strand.
If you experience hair loss, thinning hair, dry or dead ends, it’s probably a sign that your hair lacks vitamin B7. As frustrating as it may be, it’s not the end of the road for your hair. With a healthy diet, proper care, a little bit of help from biotin-infused products, your hair will eventually restore its natural length, fullness, and shine!
