Should you wash your hair before you color it

posted 10.03.2019
Salons and stylists often get asked questions about how to take care of hair color once customers have left the salon, but did you know that there are certain protocols you should take before you head to the salon to make sure your hair takes its color the way it’s supposed to? Whether you’re a newbie to the hair dye world or have been doing it yourself for years, we wanted to explain some common misconceptions and questions and provide tips for making your next color session go as smooth as possible—starting with answering the age-old question: Should you wash your hair before you color it?
The short answer is no. But that doesn’t mean that you have to stop washing your hair for a week before you head to the salon. While most hair dyes are formulated to take to the hair follicle better when there’s a little bit of natural oil already there, you should be perfectly fine to wash your hair even the night before you head in. We don’t recommend washing your hair right before heading to the salon, though, because your stylist is just going to wash it again once the color is ready to be washed out during your treatment. Stick with your normal shampoo schedule, and if you were set to wash your hair that day, just wait until your stylist does it for you during your coloring.
While the previous answer was a bit more ambiguous—this question earns a hard no. You shouldn’t have to wash your hair for at least a couple of days after you leave the salon because you’ll be leaving the salon with perfectly clean hair to begin with. We—as well as your stylist—recommend waiting at least 48 hours before you wash your hair again because the color needs time to set into your hair. Washing your hair too early may cause it to simply wash right out, sending potentially hundreds of dollars straight down the drain in just seconds.
From temporary to permanent, there are a lot of different types of dye that each work for different hair types in different situations. Your stylist can help you choose the perfect color and type of dye based on what you want, but there are benefits to knowing from the start. If you’re looking for color that lasts only a few washes (such as something bright like purple that you want for an event), go for temporary dyes. For more permanent, semi-permanent color will last a couple of weeks or months depending on your hair, the color, and your washing schedule. For totally permanent color that lasts a long time, permanent is probably what you’re looking for.
The answer to this question also varies depending on your hair and your lifestyle, but we don’t recommend washing your hair every day. When you shampoo your hair you strip it of its natural oils, which can dry it out and make it prone to damage and a loss of color if you dye your hair. Washing your hair every couple of days will help you maintain a healthy head of hair and prevent your color from washing out too quickly after you leave the salon. Use dry shampoo in between washes to soak up any oily areas around your scalp if you can’t stand the feeling of oily hair, but even then your hair should get used to your new washing schedule in just a couple of weeks.
When you do wash your hair, go for products that are sulfate-free to avoid washing your color out. Luseta Beauty’s shampoo and conditioners are sulfate-free, making them great products for color treated hair.
