What is hair ph and why is it important for your hair health

posted 07.18.2019
It’s no secret that good skin care products should have the right pH balance to avoid from being too alkaline or too acidic on the skin, but did you know that pH also comes into play when it comes to your hair’s health? It’s true. Maintaining a good pH balance within your hair and scalp can influence how your hair looks and feels. Additionally, maintaining a healthy pH level on your hair and scalp will help it grow properly and maintain color treatment, as the pH of your hair influences its natural layer of conditioning that keeps its nutrients within each strand.
But how do you figure out your hair’s pH level, much less maintain it? Fortunately, it sounds harder than it is. Using the right products and tools will help maintain a properly balanced pH within your hair and on your scalp. Obviously your hair isn’t a swimming pool and you can’t test its pH levels with testing tools and chemicals, but there are symptoms that you can look for to make sure your hair isn’t silently suffering from a pH imbalance. For starters, we’ll explain what pH is and how you can look for symptoms of an imbalance in your hair and on your scalp.
When we refer to pH levels the first things that come to mind are probably chemicals like bleach or salt. The term pH refers to how acidic or alkaline a substance is, ranging on a scale from 0 to 14. Every substance has a pH level, from tomatoes that sit at around 4 and are considered more acidic, to household bleach that sits at a 12 and is considered highly alkaline. The pH level of different things will impact their reaction to the body. Where water, which sits right in the middle at a 7 won’t react at all when applied to the skin, battery acid would be considered extremely toxic, at a pH level of 0.
Most skin care and beauty products range in pH from a 4, for more acidic products like lactic acid, to a 7 for more alkaline shampoos. Most shampoo and hair products should sit at around a 5-7 pH level, meaning that they’re pretty balanced from one end to the other. Recognizing your hair and scalp’s pH level will help you determine what you can do to make it look and feel more healthy, as its pH level plays a major role in its overall health.
Hair with a pH imbalance will feel unhealthy, dry, and brittle. This is because the loss of pH balance in the hair causes it to lose its natural conditioner layer that keeps it from experiencing breakage and a loss of nutrients. A proper pH balance can also protect your scalp from feeling dry and itchy, or prevent it from getting diseases and fungus that cause it to feel more itchy than usual. If you suffer from dandruff, it may be time to look into how you can balance your scalp’s pH levels.
Certain products will help balance your hair and scalp’s pH levels, where others may contribute to an imbalance. How your hair reacts to certain chemicals can also be a sure fire sign that something is a bit off. Clarifying products, such as the Apple Cider Vinegar Collection from Luseta Beauty, are designed to balance the hair and scalp while stimulating hair growth.
Other products that can help balance the hair’s pH level are certain leave-in products, like leave-in conditioners, that are designed to reduce the impact of alkaline tap water. Use clarifying products once per week to make sure that your hair stays balanced to remain healthy.
