Are you using hand sanitizer correctly

posted 05.12.2020
The Coronavirus crisis has forced almost everyone to rethink their habits and question whether they’re properly preventing the spread of viral diseases and bacteria. Instructions on how to wash your hands correctly became part of the viral social media world in a matter of days after the virus hit the United States, and other instructions and information about using soap correctly became regularly talked about. Amid all of that, hand sanitizer became one of the most in-demand products next to other household utilities like toilet paper and household cleaning supplies.
Now that hand sanitizer is back in stock in many places, including here at Luseta Beauty where we’ve added it to our store, it’s time to start talking about whether or not you’re using it correctly, and demonstrate how to do so just in case you’re not.
Most hand sanitizer companies advertise that the product kills 99.99% of germs and bacteria, but the truth is, that’s only the case when you use hand sanitizer correctly. The first thing you should know is that hand sanitizer is not a proper substitute for soap and water, but that it can be used in place of soap and water if those are not available when you need to clean your hands. If that’s the case, properly using hand sanitizer will help kill germs and bacteria left on your hands until you can make it to a sink to wash them properly.
Before you apply hand sanitizer, make sure that any visible dirt is removed from your hands. If you don’t do this, the hand sanitizer will simply rub it around instead of cleaning your hands, and it might make it harder for the sanitizer to kill the germs left behind.
Avoid applying hand sanitizer improperly by taking the time to rub it on your hands completely rather than quickly putting it on your palms and patting it dry. Just as you should wash your hands for a full twenty seconds, you should apply your hand sanitizer the same way. Most people either apply it and pat it dry, or let it dry without rubbing it in at all.
When you apply hand sanitizer, be sure to let it cover your hands completely and rub it into your hands, in between your fingers, and anywhere that might be left untouched in order to completely sanitize your hands. You might notice that doing this requires you to apply more hand sanitizer than you usually use, and that’s because most people don’t use enough hand sanitizer at all. Don’t be afraid to use more than usual and take some time to rub it in until it dries properly.
Once you’ve applied the hand sanitizer, avoid touching anything that you would usually touch (like a steering wheel) or any food until the product has completely dried to prevent the spread of any germs or bacteria. The most important part in sanitizing your hands is in spreading the hand sanitizer around properly, so take the time to do so in order to properly clean your hands.
The rinse free hand sanitizer from Luseta Beauty can kill bacteria and germs left behind on your hands after touching something when you can’t rush to a sink to wash them. Be sure to carry hand sanitizer when you go out in public and practice proper social distancing measures to maintain a safe distance of at least six feet between yourself and anyone else around you.
